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Writer's picturezivot-coaching

Focus. Motivation. Power. It's what happens when you set intentions.

I think of mindfulness when I think of intention because setting an intention is being in control and being in focus. I've used intention with my workouts and focused on the movements and how my body feels. And I've used intention to start my day: I will be a better listener today. I will practice gratitude in all I do today. It's incredibly motivating!

Before beginning your exercise, set a clear intention of what you want to accomplish: is it a 3-mile walk? A run at a certain speed and distance? Is it a routine with dumbbells that you planned or video you'll follow? Set the intention and focus on it- remain in the moment and feel the movements: the burn, the muscle contraction, your quickening breath. Maintain your focus and think of your intention- remember, you are in control, and you are powerful.

Setting an intention at the start of the day can be much like an affirmation and set great things in motion. Consider the intention to practice gratitude throughout the day: it's a happy and peaceful state of mind that allows you to see the beauty in things, large and small. It opens you to feeling love and appreciation for those important to you. It creates kindness and brings into your life, more wonderful things to be grateful for. And the intention to practice gratitude will allow you to focus and better deal with challenges you may face.

Setting intentions will bring focus and motivation into your life, and those intentions will help you achieve your goals. You'll better understand what's important now as you establish priorities. Intentions are unique to you... with an energetic connection to your personal values. What intention will you set now?

With love and sparkles,


Writer's picturezivot-coaching

Brooklyn [Metjahic] Girls

Happiness is an emotional state of mind that brings a positive and energetic feeling. It just feels good! But did you know that happiness is also good for you? There are real health benefits to being happy, and studies show that joyful folks tend to eat a healthier diet and are more physically active. It makes sense, really. We've seen over and over how stress negatively affects our health so naturally, it's reasonable to consider the opposite to be true when we are able to replace stress with happiness, creating a positive shift in our hormones and a happier state of mind.

Studies illustrate the wonderful impact that happiness and positivity [which is felt in a state of happiness] have on our health and well-being. Soooo.... let's open ourselves up to more fun, more laughter, more happiness. Experiment: how much happy and positivity can you bring on? Look for opportunities everywhere while using a positive mindset- in the routine, in the mundane, and in all our social connections!

  • The National Library of Medicine did a study on positivity and the results are very encouraging. It illustrates the importance of happiness in supporting our health and immune system. Read the full article here: PubMed Study

  • The American Heart Association sums it up nicely... “If people can find even small ways to increase their ability to see the world in a more positive way, that can be very beneficial to their health" Read the full article here:

  • Improved cardiovascular health and decreased inflammation in the body are some of the physical benefits that can result from happiness. Read the full article here: Time Study

Spending time with family and friends can be a heartwarming way to happinessA family hike in the Colorado mountains is a favorite for me! As is a family (Airbnb) vacay where we tend to gather in the main living area, standing in a circle as we chat and joke around☺. Just passing my family peeps in the kitchen or on the stairwell makes me happy❤.

A trip to Brooklyn is another way for me to get my happy on.... connecting with family while eating favorite foods on repeat and laughing at comedic shows. On a recent visit, I reconnected with Alma, my cousin who I hadn't seen in many years. A single mom to three beautiful girls, with a demanding job, she is often left exhausted by the end of the week, but that didn't stop her from getting her happy on (and mine!) when she drove out one evening to spend time together at Rocca Cafe & Lounge in Sheepshead Bay.

Sitting waterside on Emmons Ave. and adorned with lights (albeit tacky) at the front and throughout the lounge, Rocca begged us to enter and hearing the live Jazz musician begin to play Balkan and Middle Eastern pop, it felt comfortable and familiar. Birthday song renditions in different languages and tempos played at different tables, the sound of clapping and laughter filling the air. Following through with my earlier suggestion of experimenting with happiness, I took it up a notch and requested a birthday song for Alma. The experiment was a happy success! Check out the video to see if you know what language it's in...

Happy, happy days to you! Enjoy a spontaneous "birthday" celebration next time you're out with family or friends🤪.

With love and sparkles,


March 6, 2023

Writer's picturezivot-coaching

I'm not talking about taking small steps to achieve a greater goal, although that is a wonderfully effective way to do so [and worthy of a separate post!]. I'm referring to a holistic approach to positive mindfulness. Becoming increasingly aware of our surroundings and noticing small and incredible things. Appreciating nature and thoughtful gestures from family, friends and strangers. And appreciating... other stuff😊.

Have fun and experiment with this: set off to find small things that make you smile or make you wonder in awe. And when people say or do something nice while you're playing with this experiment, truly recognize it and allow it to fill you with positivity. When you really appreciate nature's beauty and life around you, it sparks happy feelings and happy thoughts. That's good for both your mental and physiological self. And when something negative stumbles in your way, you'll have some great, positive emotions and memories to recall that can help you navigate through the negative stuff. Let's work on crowding out negative thoughts with positive ones!

Seeing nature's beauty and feeling love and positivity in everyday things can lead to a happier and healthier whole self: that's the holistic approach to positive mindfulness I'm talking about ❤.


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